Somiibo Blog

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6 Things the COVID-19 Crisis Taught Us About Business Continuity

Business continuity planning or BCP, as it is popularly abbreviated as, refers to creating suitable business systems that help manage emergencies. Such situations may be caused by natural disasters, pandemics like COVID-19, and others, and are a potential threat to a business organization's proper functioning.


The Importance Of Having A Social Media Presence For a Dental Office

Imagine that you are a dentist and have a dental clinic where you fix people's teeth. You want to advertise your dental clinic venture online using social media to reach more people but unsure. This is the scenario with many businesses that are yet to realize the impact of social media on businesses.

How to Easily Find Small Businesses Whose Services You Need

Managing a business isn’t an easy task, at least not when you don’t have the right services to back you up. All businesses, startups, and established platforms need services to succeed. Whether it is legal, technical, or security services, you will have to search for them on your own and hire them. This, as you guessed it, is not always an easy task.


What is Due Diligence and How Does it Work?

Are you part of a private business firm? Maybe you are beginning to invest in venture capital companies? Perhaps you are looking to expand your business? Whatever situation you are in, you are going to need to make sure that you take care of due diligence before investing in any serious money.

How to Automate Your First Online Course

Online learning is growing and becoming more and more mainstream, especially in 2020, due to COVID-19. It is a great way to learn at your own pace while working from the convenience of your own home