Somiibo Blog

Stay up to date with the latest Somiibo news and best practices for automating and botting SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and many more sites.


What happens after a brainstorm?

So now you’ve fleshed out your ideas by yourself or with a team. It’s been many minutes or even some hours. The time has flown by faster than the ideas from your head into the real world. Now it’s time to...

Social Media Upgrade: The Mindfulness Method

Mindfulness has countless benefits, one example being the ability to be fully present with those we care about most. In the case of someone desiring to grow a following on social media, those people are...


The Art of Clickbait

'Clickbait' is a term used for attention-grabbing headlines, mostly hyperbolic in nature, that encourage readers to...

Dev Blog 2: Bot Modules Explained

In Somiibo, a module is an individual bot catered to do a very specific task. Think of a module as your personal marketing butler who has...


How To Increase SoundCloud Plays

On SoundCloud, it can be a significant test of wit for rising artists to get themselves heard over the white noise made by...