Tips to Protect Your Company Website From Hackers

Hackers are lunatics. They don’t care how much sweat and blood you have poured into standing your business where it is today.

All they want to do is take whatever is useful and destroy your website. Once a cyberattack cripples an unprepared business website, it becomes hard to muster the strength to stand up again.

That is why having a secured business is paramount come 2022. In addition, it will help to take basic security measures to protect websites against cyberattacks.

Wondering what those basic measures are?

We have prepared a list of seven of the most important security measures that every website must take.

Let’s look at them:

7 Security Tips to Protect Your Websites from Cybercriminals in 2022

Stay aware

It has been seen that most people are ill-prepared for cyberattacks. As a result, they are always shocked when their websites get compromised. Experts recommend you stay aware and awake about the current security threats. You must follow such websites that can help grow your knowledge of cyberattacks. If you are an organization of people, you can also invite experts for guest lectures on cybersecurity. This way, all organization members can learn about attacks and update their systems, if necessary.

Install an SSL certificate

No amount of knowledge can save the day for you if you do not implement it. SSL or Secure Socket Layer certificate is the primary need for every business website. And, no, we are not saying that; those are Google’s words.

In its recent Page Experience Update, Google has stated that SSL will play a primary role in a user’s website experience. Therefore, every website must have an SSL certificate for a robust experience. And, websites that do not have an SSL certificate should be ready to see a downward slope in their rankings. So, what is an SSL, and why has Google considered it an important aspect of website security? An SSL is a security protocol that encrypts the communication between the website and its users by encrypting the entire website connection through PKI or Public Key Infrastructure. An SSL stops any third party from intervening or intercepting data by creating a secure network for data transfer. Google considers it important because it helps the search engine identify who you are and features a secure padlock ahead of your URL to satisfy customers. So, which SSL should you buy? Well, if you have multiple first-level pages under the main domain to protect and accept online payments, we would recommend you buy a wildcard SSL certificate. With this single SSL certificate, you can offer exceptional encryption to the unlimited number of level-one subdomains under the chosen primary domain. So, purchase an SSL today and keep your website safe.

Tighten your admin access

The admin panel is the helm of your business. If that gets compromised, nothing can prevent your business from falling face-first. So, while tightening your admin security, there are a few things you would want to focus on. Password, number of attempts and two-factor authentication. So, while setting your password, ensure that it is wildly unique and at least 12-characters long. Moreover, limit the failed login attempts to 3 and apply a 2-factor authentication system where you receive a unique code on your mobile device.

Educate your customers

If you are an ecommerce website where tens of hundreds of customers visit your website every day then, self-knowledge and awareness won’t be enough. You have to ensure that your customers are competent too. They must understand how critical cybersecurity is. While they are setting up their passwords, assist them in creating a robust one. For example, disallow passwords that do not have upper/lower case letters, special symbols and alphabets. Moreover, display pop-ups that assure customers that their data is protected by the likes of SSL certificates and firewalls.

Stop taking software updates lightly.

Software companies don’t roll out updates because they enjoy poking you; updates cost them money. It is hard to believe, but software companies roll out updates not to add promotive content but to protect your data. You can trust us when we say that a software company will only roll out an update when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, why would they want to inject money into something to no avail? So, never miss out on a software update. In fact, if possible, switch on the automatic updates.

Install a web application firewall

Though firewall is not a mandatory protocol like an SSL certificate, you must have it in your system. Firewalls set themselves in the mix of your data connection and server. It monitors every piece of information for malicious codes and bots. The best part about it is that it disallows hacking attempts and gives you peace. Though most firewall companies have now switched to the cloud, where you get a plug-and-play feature, you can also get it in a hardware form. But we recommend you opt for a cloud-based software version as it Is considered much safer.

Backup your data

We can never stretch on the importance of data backups enough. Since we cannot predict when exactly a cyberattack will happen, we have to be prepared for one at all times. And data backups are of great help here. Many people backup data on hard drives, which can be dangerous as hard drives are always prone to theft and physical damage. We recommend choosing cloud-based backups that automatically backup every bit of data on the cloud.

The best part about it is that you can access your data from anywhere. Just ensure that a strong password protects your cloud.

Final Thoughts

If you integrate these website security tips into your website, you won’t need to invest in expensive software. SSL certificates, firewalls, limited admin access and updated software are enough to ensure that your website data is 100% safe. Invest in employee education so that everyone in your organization knows the significance of cybersecurity. Also, ensure that you have data backupswatching your back for unforeseen situations. So, follow these seven tips above to turn your website into an unbreachable fortress.

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