Make a Bot for Any Website Using our Powerful API
Does it sound at all familiar when I say that:
There’s just no one perfect bot that does everything.
Or is there?
Actually, you don’t have to worry about someone else making a bot anymore.
…you can make your own bot. And you can make it automate any website on the Internet.
Today we’re going to discuss how easy it is to get started in developing a bot that’s completely customized to your needs.
Making your own bot
Somiibo is a tool for primarily non-technical users to automate their social media, such as SoundCloud, Instagram, Twitter, etc. An individual tool within Somiibo is called a module.
A module can do many things from generating views and plays to fully automating The API allows you to branch off from the provided modules and build your own.
The Somiibo Developer Platform is a way for anyone to add their bot to Somiibo.
Building a bot that works with Somiibo is easy and should take a developer about a 2 or 3 days to build a working module. You can test your module instantly from within Somiibo, and you can share it with anyone whenever you want.

Why build a bot using Somiibo’s Developer Platform
If you’ve used other automation tools before, you know the ongoing pain of waiting for updates that may take long or never come. We decided to circumvent that entire process by allowing our users to create content along side us.
Building a module on Somiibo is free for everyone. Somiibo is a Software-as-a-Service product and Somiibo provides this product to end-users for free.
What you need to make a bot
Anyone can add a bot to Somiibo, usually without writing any new code. This quick guide will familiarize you with the Somiibo Developer Platform and get you pointed in the right direction building your own bot.

When you’re finished, you’ll be able to use the bot in your own Somiibo account, share it privately with others, or even submit your bot to be available publicly to anyone with a Somiibo account.
Plus, you’ll have integrations with the 12+ bots on our platform instantly.
- A Somiibo account: If you don’t have one, it’s very easy to create one.
- A bit of Javascript programming knowledge: The SomiiboScript API is written entirely in Javascript. It’s easy for anyone with a bit of developing knowledge in Javascript to pick up.
- A brilliant and innovative idea for a bot: Soon enough you’ll be on your way to building an awesome module!
If you’re unfamiliar with the core concepts of Somiibo, you can read more about Somiibo for the non-technical user view. Each step below aims to explore both the developer and user perspective as we put together the pieces of your bot on Somiibo.
Otherwise, you can dive right in and start making a bot! Head over to the getting started section and we’ll walk you through exactly how you can and make a bot completely customized to your needs.
Get started creating an internet bot
Somiibo’s Developer platform and API specialize in assisting you to create your own internet bot. You can make a bot for any website including SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram, and more.
Caveats of bot development
There are some things to be wary of when you’re developing a bot, however. There are some DO’s and DONT’s to botting websites.
With each mechanical headway intended to make our lives simpler, our reliance on innovation for everyday undertakings develops.
Innovation encourages us get things done with more noteworthy proficiency, and with regards to social media, it’s just normal to figure out how to robotize our social media endeavors.
For entrepreneurs, social media mechanization devices are lifelines with regards to juggling time to grow a business disconnected and online.
Notwithstanding, depending on social media mechanization apparatuses a lot of can place you in the danger of destroying your social media nearness—it’s essential to remind your social media gathering of people there’s a genuine individual behind the social media accounts.
Always make sure to add human elements to your
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