How To Get More Followers On Your Social Media Accounts
Do you have a social media account? If so, are you an active user of it? Do you only post occasionally or do you post on a regular basis? Regardless of your answer to these questions, there’s always room for improvement.
If you are an active user on your social media accounts but want more followers, there are several ways to get them. You can increase the number of followers and likes that your posts receive by following these six easy steps.
1. Post Regularly
The more often you post will result in increased exposure and increased engagement with potential customers/followers. Aim for one posting per day at a minimum (but no more than two).
Depending on the platform, this should be an achievable goal. Posting regularly is an efficient way to get Instagram followers back especially if you lost your previous account. If you are not posting regularly it could also be due to time constraints. Not everyone has the time required to go on social media multiple times per day. If this is the case for you, consider hiring a virtual assistant to run your account or schedule posts in advance.
2. Be Active
It might seem obvious but it’s worth mentioning that if you’re not active on your social media accounts then it’ll be difficult to convince others to follow them. People want to follow accounts that are active, not ones that have been left abandoned with no updates for months at a time.
In addition to posting on your account regularly, you should also engage with other users by liking or commenting on their posts and following new accounts to expand your network. This will help get the ball rolling when it comes to increasing your follower base.
3. Post Relevant Content
It might seem obvious but it’s worth mentioning that if you’re not active on your social media accounts then it’ll be difficult to convince others to follow them. People want to follow accounts that are active, not ones that have been left abandoned with no updates for months at a time.
Ensure that your posts are relevant to your target audience. It can be difficult to stay on topic while being active but it’ll be worth the effort in the long run. If you’re struggling with what types of content to post, consider hiring a virtual assistant who has specific knowledge about social media management and marketing.
4. Post With Purpose
When you’re posting on social media it is important to keep in mind why you are doing it. Many people will share content without thinking of who their audience is and what they want from the platform.
Before you post anything, stop and think about what your target market would want to see or read on your account. People like to follow accounts that provide content and updates relevant to their interests. If you aren’t sure what those interests are then consider sending out a survey to your following or hiring a virtual assistant who has specific knowledge about social media management and marketing to help with this process.
5. Optimize Your Posts
Now that you’ve posted regularly, been active on your social media accounts, and posted relevant content, it’s time to optimize. This means that you should ensure your posts look good and function well on all types of screens/devices people are using.
Use an app like Canva to make sure your images are the correct size for each platform. If you are struggling with this step or aren’t sure where to start, consider hiring a virtual assistant who has specific knowledge about social media management and marketing.
6. Respond To Comments And Messages
When you receive comments on your posts or messages via direct message, make sure to respond within 24 hours (no more than 12). People like to know that the content they are viewing is relevant to you and that you’re active on your account.

If it is a comment make sure to say thank you and give them a link or shareable information if they ask for it. If someone sends you a direct message, be sure to respond as soon as possible so they know their message has been received.
7. Always Be Consistent
If you want to maintain a consistent following on your social media accounts it is important you are consistent in everything. This means posting the same types of things at the same times each day, using the same hashtags, and connecting with other users on similar networks who have large followings themselves.
Being consistent also includes your avatar or profile picture which should be a clear, high-quality image of your brand. If you are struggling with this step or aren’t sure where to start, consider hiring a virtual assistant who has specific knowledge about social media management and marketing.
If you want to grow your social media following, there are a number of things you can do and there is no single solution to make it happen. Integrate the steps listed in this article to increase your followership.
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