How to Get More Clients for Your Managed Services Provider Business
Getting your first few clients for your managed services business can take a bit of time. Certain methods can help you start building a clientele. The biggest thing that you have to be aware of is how you’re presented to the wider public. This means having a website, showing your portfolio, contact information all easily available for potential clients. You also need to figure out what your target market and services will be. Once you’ve figured these things out then you can go on to using some of the methods we suggest to grow your clientele and business.
How to Get More Clients
Going into business is an exciting venture. Working for yourself and doing what you love is a thrilling and challenging endeavor to take on but can be very rewarding. We’ve provided you with a list of things you should consider to get you more clients for your MSP business.
1 Utilize Online and Offline Communication
Use your website and other social media pages to generate organic leads for your business. Putting yourself out there allows you to be seen. People won’t come to you if they don’t know you exist. Market your business and the services you provide. There are several blogs and information forums for MSP businesses. You can use these to help you find the best MSP marketing strategies available. You also need to utilize your offline communications and connections to get you seen. Go into business and give them a little breakdown of what you can do. It’s a great way to get yourself out there and connect with potential clients on a more personal level.
2 Ask for Referrals
Start to generate referrals. This means asking your existing clients to refer you to others. People are much more likely to use a service that has been recommended by someone they know and trust. You can’t just offer reduced prices. You need to have a proven track record. If you don’t have any clients as yet then offer your services for free for an agreed-upon period to different companies. After building a reputation you’ll be more likely to get referrals.
3 Partner With Other Companies
Try partneringwith other well-established MSP businesses. These companies usually have a large client list. There will be small projects that aren’t worth their time or that they cannot accommodate at a given time. Having them send these clients your way is a great way for you to start building a decent client list of your own. This is a mutually beneficial relationship as it provides access to a client base and you’d be helping the company maintain a reliable and customer-oriented reputation.
4 Introduce Your MSP Business
Another method to use would be to search for companies that are looking to hire a systems admin or IT team. You can offer them your services and as a way to encourage them to go with you, offer them a small discount. You want to develop a reputation and this is a way to get your foot in the door. Offer them a trial period of a month or so and once they are satisfied you can make adjustments for the following months based on your contract.

### 5 Attend Networking Events
A great way to build your client base is to attend networking events. These events can be specifically for MSP businesses to promote their services, or they can be business summits or conferences. There are all types of opportunities you can use to network and get your business out there. There are amazing benefits to networking that can put your MSP business on the map. Remember to go prepared. Have business cards and other promotional information available to give potential clients or partners.
6 Avoid Offering Too Many Discounts
We’ve mentioned giving discounts to clients you’re trying to bring in. However, you don’t want to make this a big practice in your business. Discounts should be used for specific situations. You don’t want to sell yourself short. It can also be hard for clients to adjust to your set price when they’ve become accustomed to paying you less. Keep in mind that people want to get more value for less money. Working for less than your worth is work and makes it difficult to maintain and scale your business.
These are just a few methods to help get your clientele growing. You can also find companies to help you market yourself. Try talking with friends, family, and associates that may be in the field as well to get valuable tips on how they grew their client base. It’s all the research and implementation.
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