Don’t Dive Headfirst - Create a Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital media is ubiquitous – pervasive even.
It is incredible how much media content we are exposed to in a single day.
I often find myself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, my Snapchat feed (repeat) constantly during lull moments in my day. Every single one of these platforms subsist on advertisements, and by creating a digital marketing strategy that will effectively attract good attention, your brand name will grow and you will get the attention that you desire.

Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy - An Overview
Don’t go into digital marketing blindly - figure out a plan that ends in meeting your goals, whether it to be gain the most number of followers, or to make a profit, or maybe even both. Yes, you can actually make money with social media. Map out what you want to do and how you want to do it.
Follow the marketing funnel
- The first step is bringing awareness to your product or content. This can be done through extensive advertising on social media platforms, or by word of mouth, or by getting people to share your content.
- The second step is to grab the interest of your audience so that they are intrigued by your content.
- The third step is consideration. Now that you have grabbed your audience’s attention, they are now considering whether or not to take action and follow through with engaging with your product.
- The fourth step is action. Now you have made a transaction - you are giving your audience the content and the product that you have essentially made them desire.

Direct traffic to your content with Somiibo. When a page or a song gets more views, more page clicks, or there are a lot of followers, the product gains legitimacy.
In a previous post, we talked about how adding clickbait is an effective means to grab an audience’s attention and would be a great component to your marketing strategy, but now we want you to look at the bigger picture - develop a comprehensive marketing strategy.
Marketing is tough and very, very time-consuming, but with Somiibo, you will be able to automate a large chunk of the digital marketing system, while you get to focus on creating your content.
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