A Practical Guide to Enhance Email Marketer’s Productivity

A Practical Guide to Enhance Email Marketer’s Productivity Marketers have been using email for a long time, and it’s still a great method to generate, nurture, and convert leads. But email marketing can also be a huge waste of money and time when you don’t do it well.

Digital marketers often feel like they have too much on their plate. Email is usually not the only channel they tackle. It’s hard for them to keep all those balls in the air.

For business managers who want to inspire more productivity from their email marketers, these tips will help!

1. Rely on an Email Automation Tool

Personalization is crucial for a successful marketing campaign. But let’s face it: an email marketer couldn’t possibly customize content for each subscriber. The good news is that there are tools that automate email marketing campaigns and boost engagement at the same time.  

Personalizing email newslettersis tricky and important. That helps the marketer to set up an even more effective system for newsletter delivery. They will feature the most suitable articles.

Managing an effective email campaign takes hours per week. With a great automation tool, the marketer decreases the time they spend on organization, but they achieve even better results. That’s what productivity is all about!

2. Make Your Inbox More Effective

Email marketers deal with emails all the time, but they often forget to manage their own inbox. If it’s loaded with unread messages, promotions and ads, it’s a problem. It will take some time for you to set up a system with categories, folders, and labels. But you should still make that effort, as it will make you much more productive!

Cleaning up unnecessary attachments and deleting large files is also important. They consume a lot of storage and make a work device work slow. Given the fact that email marketers receive and send a huge volume of emails with attachments, deleting some of them is their best bet.

Here’s another great tip for inbox maintenance: abandon the habit of deleting unwanted messages without opening them. You won’t solve anything that way. Open the message instead, and unsubscribe from that newsletter if you don’t want to see it in your inbox anymore.

3. Use Social Media Channels as an Extension to Email Marketing

Social media and email marketing shouldn’t be treated as individual campaigns. Even when different marketing managers guide these aspects of the marketing campaign, they must collaborate. Utilizing an effective email marketing software is key to your success.

Thoughtful social media activity will improve the productivity of email marketing. For example, the marketer can use Facebook and Instagram to promote surveys that the leads would receive via email.

The more popular the brand’s social media profile is, the more likely it is for followers to turn into email subscribers. They will want to get more information and promos in yoursocial media newsletters, so they won’t have to keep checking the brand’s profile for new deals.

4. Make the Messages Short and Catchy

Long-form content may work for SEO purposes. It’s great for developing authority for your brand. But it doesn’t work for emails. If someone is intrigued to open a message, the last thing they want to see is a huge chunk of text.  

Short emails are more likely to be read. When someone clicks the subject line and sees a brief message that gets straight to the point, they won’t be overwhelmed. The email marketer gets more productive, as they won’t have to spend hours or days developing content for a single message. That part is left to content marketers, who focus on website content. The email marketer’s goal is to promote that content and guide leads towards the website.

If you’re looking for precise guidance on this point, aim to keep the messages below 150 words.

As for the catchypart, don’t forget to make the subject line super-cool! Also, try to use eye catching visuals to attract more recipients attention.

Have Firm Goals and Objectives

The first step towards greater productivity is goal defining. When email marketers feel like they aren’t being productive enough, they often identify the problem in loosely defined goals.

For example, the goal “more visitors and more conversions” is too loose and hard to measure. It needs exact numbers: how many visitors and how many conversions? When you define that, you need a time frame to make the goal complete. “5000 more visitors and 1000 more sales in a month” is a more precise goal. It can be measured, and it will help you define the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign.  

If you’re wondering how to define precise goals, the SMART method works wonders! The goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Final Thoughts

Achieving better productivity in email marketing requires time, patience, and dedication. This is not one of the things that show results in a day. Productivity requires a long-term strategy and consistent measuring.

When you realize how many strategies you have to try without being sure if they would work, the goal of improving productivity may seem overwhelming. But without these efforts, you won’t achieve the results you’re capable of.

Business and digital marketing managers must work together with email marketers to set clear goals and steps towards them!

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