4 Strategies to Improve Your Website's Keyword Rankings

Sustaining good positions in any search engine is challenging, especially when constant system updates make your strategies irrelevant and your competitors find better keywords. Keyphrase research is the answer if you are looking for a method to get ahead in your business. Key phrases can drastically improve your business website’s traffic and revenue; we explain how!

Why Is Keyword Work THAT Important?

Many SEO specialists highlight that choosing the “right” keywords is essential. Yet, what are those “right” keywords? Alas, many phrases that describe our informational offers do not work and bring zero interested audiences.

First, many must understand that keywording is a categorization tool. It exists to let people find content better and with convenience. Please remember that you use keywords for those who have yet to discover your business offers, not for the search engine. You can boost your visibility, but it must be 100% natural and without keyword spam (yet again, the content must be readable for users, not Google/Bing/DuckDuck/etc.).

What Makes Good Keywords for Your Business?

Any search engine “appreciates” optimal keyword usage and ranks your business site better when you contribute to it with the following in mind…

1. Keyword Tracking by Location Gives You Comprehensive Analysis of Geo Segmentation

Local keyword tracking

Global rank tracking is nearly useless, given that the specifics of our existence segment us. Remember that you work in a small niche, even when your business is big and successful. You still prioritize some regions, and it is wise to check how your most influential keywords rank in different locations.

Businesses need a keyword rank tracker for that. Using a versatile rank-tracking tool, you may check your positions in SERP and observe its changes. Moreover, that lets you see how one keyword or several key phrases rank in locations you prioritize for business.

Such checks can help you discover that a neglected group of keywords helps your business website better than your primary choices. Furthermore, it will be amazing to discover that your keywords rank well in a region you haven’t even targeted. That lets you optimize your business offers, advertisements, and other necessities for an engaged segment to broaden your customer pool. Of course, a business can also ensure that your list of key phrases works well for locations you pay the most attention to.

2. X Volume + Y Keyword Difficulty = …


Here is a brief explanation of the mentioned metrics:

  • Volume is how many searches happen per month for your keyword. Some programs show the volume for a week or another period (there might be customizable options, too). You want to pick keywords that have at least 2K volume. Of course, the best keywords regarding volume are those with 10K+. Nevertheless, those are rare and tend to be general, which makes it challenging to use them — it is like trying to have a unique fashion style when you follow the simplest mainstreams there are. Also, note that low-volume keywords can still be useful, and placing 2-4 of them is sufficient to attract people who make mistakes in inquiries/use that particular form of inquiry.
  • Keyword difficulty is a value the tool calculates based on other pages that rank for that phrase.Here is a free keyword difficulty checker for your keyword research. So, that metric says how challenging it is to rank using that particular word/phrase. As a rule, 50KD and more is challenging enough, and picking those phrases rarely brings any significant positives. 0-40KD, though, is the best choice.

Connect the two metrics, and that gives you a 10/10 formula for the perfect keyword.

More Volume + Less KD = Ideal Keyword

Suppose you see a 6K volume phrase with only 15KD — please, that is a free ticket to leap up in the ranks. If there is a 2K volume keyword with 0-5KD, that is another golden opportunity to attract many people to your business website.

3. Keyword Length Lets You Specify Better


You may notice that the phrases with long-tail keywords (3+ words) demonstrate better results. That is because, first and foremost, people use those several words to narrow their search. So, keyword length is not about the technical length but the number of specifications you add to let potential buyers find your offer conveniently. For instance, here is a comparison!

  • Fashion NY is a general keyword consisting of two words that will give you zero benefits regarding keyword optimization (but it might give you duplicate content problems!).
  • Female prom suits Connecticut is a specific keyword that has an optimal length and remains readable but gives your audience a narrowed-down offer.

The best strategy here is to use short keywords in a mix with long ones, prioritizing the latter. Suppose you have a promotional post that has 1K words. Use the short generalized phrase 2-4 times, while the narrowed-down keyword must be mentioned at least 7 times.

4. Be Attentive to When Your Prioritized Keyword Enters/Leaves the Top


Keywords cannot be at the top for eternity, but they tend to leap back there. So, use a trusted keyword ranking platform to check the trending keywords on your preferred keyword research tool and be ready to move them up at any moment. If that is not possible, as some tools can show only three months of data (in a free package), use your common sense: if an article with that phrase is performing well in a month but loses its traffic afterward, maybe its keywords need extra work.

Also, that metric can help you plan content updates regarding keyword enhancements. For instance, there might be keywords for your second-prioritized segment of buyers, and those phrases enter the top — that’s high time to post/publish something for that audience!

Final Words

Keyword research is not a single magic trick, but it can give you enough to improve your online business easily and cost-effectively. So, pick the best keywords, optimize them following target audience needs & wants, place them within your content smartly, and enjoy the thriving of success! We hope to see your business website in the first position tomorrow!

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