Everyday everyone around the world buys something from someone, be it from a store or individual person but with the millions of options how do we end up choosing just one? The simple answer is completely dependent on quality, price, and overall use. In an economy full of producers and consumers, we often have a difficult time choosing between all the options available but consumers often filter out the many choices depending on what they truly want from a product and that’s where marketing comes in. Marketing by definition is the study and management of consumer relations and by those means users are displayed the qualities of their producers products.

Marketing strategy


The beginning of modern marketing started in the 40s as the concept of marketing was changing towards a mixed practice of concepts rather than a direct theory, in this the concept of the 4 P’s were narrowed down from many concepts and developed into four. The main tactics and objectives of marketing are now measured based on the concept of the 4 P’s and are continuing to be used throughout the world of marketing today.


Marketing follows a concept of needs, wants, and demands these common objectives help marketers design suitable content to display in a variety of formats, anything from your common television commercials to graphic designs used in posters and fliers, or even an animated video and all of which they all serve the same purpose of marketing a product, service, or concept. But in thorough definition what exactly are the concepts covered in marketing? Needs something necessary for people to lead normal and healthy lives, needs are most commonly physical resources such as food, water, or housing. Wants an inelastic resource that people usually buy or consume as luxuries, for example an expensive car, watch, caviar ect; Demands similar in nature to Wants is backed by financial ability a typically demands oil and gas. In sum all of these concepts teach marketers what type of customers a market is made of and with that knowledge marketers can carry on and create an optimal marketing solution for each product.


Marketing revolves around the 4ps, product, pricing, place, and promotion all these concepts are essential to the successful launch of a product. In theory let’s say you have an umbrella and a hat, you try to sell the umbrella in Texas and the hat in Seattle this is a perfect example of why the 4ps must be followed because without those main concepts a producer may very well find themselves at a stalemate with sales.


PRODUCT The deepest aspect of marketing is the product, the item that is sold to fulfill the use of a consumer’s needs and what need and application the product has is how marketers create a promotion strategy. PROMOTION The promotion of a product is everything from public relations to entertainment and exhibitions in sum this is the physical outcome of a promotion strategy. PRICING The pricing of a product actually plays little role in marketing itself but is commonly seen as discounts and promotions on products.


Marketing has a very broad market, anything from phones to toilet paper receive marketing which raises the question how many types of marketing are there?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing https://www.wired2tech.org/ https://www.instagram.com/wired2tech/